Do you want to draw visitors' extra attention through an announcement? It's possible to do this via an announcement. Add the announcement through Management > Advanced > Marketing.
- Go to Management.
- Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the page. Then, under Marketing, click on Announcement.
- You will now see an overview of all configured announcements.
Add announcement
- Click on Add Announcement to create a new announcement.
- In the opened screen, fill in the title and the text.
- Next, choose the type of announcement.
Type info
If you choose the theme colour type, the announcement will be displayed in blue. Choose this option when you want to give the visitor a notice without it being too prominent. -
Type important
If you choose the type theme colour, the announcement will be displayed in red. Choose this option when you want to convey an important message to the visitor, such as a service interruption or a day of closure.
Type announcement
If you choose the type theme colour, the announcement will be displayed in yellow.
Type theme colour
If you choose the type theme colour," the announcement will be displayed in the theme colour.
Type info
- It is possible to add a link to the announcement. You can choose a page from the website for which the announcement is created or an external link. When a link is added, the "More info" button will be added to the announcement.
- For "Visible Until," choose the period during which the announcement should be visible on the website. Set the visibility for both date and time.
- If you are the administrator of multiple websites, you can choose which website the announcement should be displayed on under Advanced.
- Click Save, and the overview of the announcement will be shown.
Once the announcement is saved, it will be displayed from the moment the visibility begins. You can create multiple announcements.
Modify announcement
- If you want to modify the announcement afterward, go to Management.
- Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the page. Then, under Marketing, click on Announcements.
- The overview of the announcements will be displayed. Click on the title of the announcement you want to modify.
- The details of the announcement will be shown and can be modified. By clicking Save again, the changes will be applied immediately.
Delete announcement
- The announcements can be deleted by selecting them in the overview and choosing "Delete Selected Announcement" at the top of the page in the toolbar, then selecting "Execute.".
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