Our school websites have a Content Management System (CMS) on the backend. This CMS allows you to maintain your website without much technical knowledge, enabling you to add or modify new files, texts, photos, etc. Unfortunately, some technical terms are inevitable. In this article, we will further explain these terms to make it clearer when we use them.
Admin page
The admin page is the backend of the website. On the admin page, you find all the elements that you usually cannot modify via the front end of the website using front-end editing. This includes general settings of your website and also the theme of your website. You access the admin page from the "Admin" button, located on the far left in the toolbar.
Image: admin button
Front-end editing
Being able to double-click on elements to edit them is referred to as front-end editing. All content where you hover with your mouse and see "double-click to edit" can be modified via front-end editing.
Double-clicking does not work if the plugin in question is empty (like a text plugin). First, fill it through the Structure.
Page tree
The page tree in our system provides an overview of all pages within the website, also known as your menu. We call it a tree because a website menu can consist of various branches. For instance, you often have the trunk (home page), often called "Home." This "Home" then has branches like "Our School," "Practical Info," and "Contact." A branch like "Our School" can have its branches, such as "Mission and Vision," "School Profile," and "Identity." You find the Page Tree via the "Pages" button at the top left of the toolbar.
See further in lesson 2.
Image: page button
Placeholders determine where plugins will appear on the page. For example, the placeholder 'header' determines that whatever you place in it will appear at the top of the page. In our system, there are two types of placeholders: normal and static placeholders. The difference between static and normal placeholders is that when you put a plugin in a static placeholder, it appears on all pages in your website. A static placeholder can be identified by the pin icon next to the placeholder's name.
You find the placeholders in the Structure. In the image below, you see "Main" as a placeholder on this page. All placeholders below it ("Theme," "Code Injections," etc.) are static.
Image: placeholders in the structure
Plugins determine what content appears on the page. With plugins, you can add text, images, files, forms, team members, and much more to your page. See here for all plugins.
To allow you to update your website with peace of mind, our school websites have a publishing system. This system keeps track of two versions of a page: the public version and the draft version. The public version is what the website visitor sees, and the draft version is only visible to the website administrator. In the draft version, as an administrator, you can make changes without the website visitor seeing them. When you are done with your changes and want to make them visible to your website visitor, you publish the page. By publishing, we send all the changes you made in the draft version to the public version.
Do not confuse this publishing with publishing from Social Schools, as described here. This is about making a website page public, whereas the other is about making an agenda/group message public from Social Schools.
Templates contain the order and available placeholders within a page. You find the used template bolded next to/among the other available templates* via the gear icon in the top bar.
*= not every website has all templates.
Image: templates
The structure provides an overview of all plugins and placeholders on the pages. The structure gives you a snapshot of everything on your page and where it is. The order is further determined in the template, although it is usually from top to bottom and left to right (with column layouts, right under left comes on the same row!). You open the structure with the rightmost button in the Toolbar:
Image: Structure button
You find the toolbar in our system at the top of your page when you are logged in (via /?edit). The toolbar allows you to perform certain tasks quickly. For example, via the toolbar, you can go to the admin page, the overview of all pages on the website, and you can also quickly publish the page you are currently on.
Image: Toolbar in edit mode
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