How can we be of service?

Websites created for childcare and education

Changing the role of a user

Laura Hogenbirk
Laura Hogenbirk
  • Updated

In this article, we will explain how to change the role of a user.

  1. Go to Management.
  2. Then, click on the Users button under the Users section.
  3. You will now see all users in your website(s). Click on the user whose role you want to change.
  4. In the opened screen, you will see the available roles and the selected role under the Role section.
  5. To add a role, click on one role on the left and press
    pijltje/button naar rechts
    to add it to the selected roles (alternatively, double-click on a role on the left to choose it).
  6. To remove a role, select one role on the right and press
    pijltje/button naar rechts
    to remove it from the selected roles (alternatively, double-click on a role on the right to remove it).

If you want to add all roles to the user, choose Select all. The same applies to removal. If you want to remove all roles, choose Remove all

Image: changing roles

Click here for more information about the roles and permissions of users.

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