How can we be of service?

Websites created for childcare and education

Adding locations

Laura Hogenbirk
Laura Hogenbirk
  • Updated

In this article, we will explain how to manage locations. To add multiple locations to the Google Maps map, the locations need to be added. This plugin is primarily designed for organizations with multiple locations

  1. Go to Management.
  2. Then click on the Locations button under the heading Site Settings. Now, you can see all the locations linked to the website.
  3. To add a location, choose Schermafbeelding_2022-08-23_om_14.59.59.png
  4. In the screen that opens, fill in (optionally) the BRIN/education number.
  5. Next, fill in the name and address details; these fields are mandatory. Optionally, you can fill in the other information fields.
  6. By clicking Save, the location will be added.

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