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Websites created for childcare and education

How do I redirect one page to another page?

Edwin Janssen
Edwin Janssen
  • Updated

In this article, we will explain how to redirect a page to another page within or outside your website.

Below, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

  1. First, go to the page you want to redirect, just as you would navigate on any other website.
  2. Next, click on the Gear icon in the toolbar. A menu will appear, and then click on Advanced settings....
  3. A window will open with various options. Here, you will see four different fields, and we will describe what these fields exactly mean later. To redirect this page to another page within your website, go to the "Redirect" field. Then, click in the field. A list of all pages on your website will appear. You can now search for the right page to redirect to by typing the first part of the page name or by scrolling through the list.

    If you want to redirect to a URL outside your website, type the full URL of the website.
    Image: Setting up redirect2018-10-15_16_01_53-Home_20.png
  4. Once you have selected the correct page, click on save. You will then see a black screen with text in the middle (see screenshot). When you see this, the redirection is set up. When you then click on "publish changes," it will also become active for your website visitors. However, they won't see the black screen; they will be directly redirected to the configured page. As an administrator, you only see this screen.  
    Image: Page preview2018-10-15_16_07_58-Home_20.png

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