How can we be of service?

Websites created for childcare and education

Our locations page

Laura Hogenbirk
Laura Hogenbirk
  • Updated

On the 'Our Locations' page (or 'Our Schools' page), all locations linked to the organization or foundation are displayed. The locations are marked on a Google Maps map, and for each location, the address details and a link to the website are shown



In this article, we explain how to create this page

  1. All locations must be visible in the Locations section (Management > Site Settings > Locations). It is possible to import all locations from DUO; you can find out how to do this here. If you are missing a location, add it to the locations; you can find out how to do this here.
  2. Next, go to the page where you want to display the locations
  3. On this page, choose Settings and then Advanced Settings. 

  4. In the Application section, choose Locations.
  5. Then choose Save and go to the page on the website
  6. The page should have the Page Apps template.
  7. Once the correct template and advanced settings are configured, all locations will be automatically displayed on the page.

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